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Gold Standard Programme for Surgery

We have made Gold Standard Programme (GSP) courses available on smoking and alcohol cessation intervention for staff in health care. The GSP course is related to the national initiative, smoke-free operation, and the aim is to reduce surgical complications related to smoking and alcohol. After completing the course, participants can enroll patients in intensive smoking and alcohol cessation treatment. The courses are arranged in collaboration with Lund University, WHO CC: Evidence-based Health Promotion in Hospitals & Health Services and Addiction Centre, Region Skåne.

Target Group: All who work with health promotion and smoking cessation, for example nurses, doctors and physiotherapists

Content: The course includes introduction to surgical patients, mentally ill patients and other patient groups related to smoking and alcohol cessation. For example, it includes the following sections: smoking and surgical complications, pathophysiology (mechanisms of action), evidence for the efficacy of interventions, patient preferences, staff skills etc.

6 scientific articles on the GSP programme have been published:

We can work together at supporting patients through "smoke-free" treatment, particularly since the Gold Standard Program has been shown to halve complications, e.g. post-surgery.


Information and dates for the next course will be provided as they become available.

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